Many of us, when using public toilets or toilets in coffee shops, put a toilet paper on the toilet seat in order to protect ourselves from bacteria. This method is not effective at all, in fact it causes the opposite effect.
We are all aware of the fact that the hygiene in public toilets is not high, but even so we should not put toilet paper on the toilet seat. Even though it seems like a good idea to us, it is certainly not, because you are at a greater risk of getting a bacterial r infection. You don’t need to worry because today we will show you why this is a bad idea and what you should do instead.
The mains reason why you shouldn’t put a toilet paper on the toilet seat is the following: once people are done, they all flush, but no one puts the toilet seat down. The splashes can go up to 203 meters, so all the bacteria will be on the toilet paper on which you will seat. You can’t believe right? I couldn’t either.
Experts from the institute ‘NYU Langone Medical Center’ say: ‘Covering the toilet seat with toilet paper, can cause a variety of viral and bacterial infections.
According to a study conducted on their Microbiology department, after the release of water, splashes can fly height up to two meters and thus throw away all the bacteria around us. Those little drops on the toliet seat hide a lot of fecal bacteria which end up on the toilet paper.
As you can sea, the toilet paper cannot protect you, so the next time when you find yourself in the public toilet paper, don’t do that.
What should you do instead?
I will tell you two options, but I recommend the second option.
The first option is to take a few pieces of toilet seat liners in your bag, so they will be clean. However, the toilet seat is already “rich” with bacteria which means that this method won’t help you. That is why a prefer the second option.
Do not actually seat on the toilet, instead just use the squat position and do the job. Even though it is uncomfortable, it will keep you safe from the fecal bacteria.
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Source: essentialhealthadvisor.com