Showing posts with label child. Show all posts
Showing posts with label child. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Ban Dental Amalgam in India for Vulnerable Population

Dear Friends,

Plz Plz Plz

Sign the following petition on the link below

A petition run by Toxics Link to ban dental amalgam in India

Dental amalgam is a restorative material used for filling tooth cavities. It is marketed as “silver” filling, though in reality, it contains 50% mercury, a hugely toxic metal. Many countries across the globe have banned amalgam use in children under age 15, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers.
Numerous studies have established:
• Raised blood mercury levels in humans with a dental amalgam filling.
• Mercury filling as a potential threat of chronic mercury poisoning because of  the constant release of mercury vapor from dental amalgams
• Correlation between mercury and underdevelopment of neurological systems in fetuses and young children.
• Mercury from a pregnant mother can impact the unborn fetus.
• Milk tooth will fall, so why use mercury filling.
• Minamata convention, the world's first legally binding treaty on mercury, also recommends phase down of mercury amalgam and mentions “Fetuses, newborn babies and children are amongst the most vulnerable and sensitive to the adverse effects of mercury.”
Despite these, laws to protect this utmost vulnerable population are yet to be imposed in our country!
Considering its serious impacts, it is time for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to ban amalgam use in a vulnerable population.  All children and expecting & lactating females in India deserve equivalent protection from mercury fillings as availed by numerous around the globe.
We all need to come together to demand a ban on the use of mercury fillings in children, pregnant and breastfeeding women.
You can help by….
1. Signing the petition.
2. Posting a link to the petition 
on your Facebook page, Twitter account, website, and/or e-newsletter and tag # MOHFW #IDA #Toxicslink #DCI
3. Forwarding this post to your contact list asking them to join you in signing the petition
4. Asking your contacts to share the petition with their friends and family too
With your help, we can send a strong message to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Indian Dental Association!!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

प्लास्टिक हमारे लिये हर हाल में हानिकारक है।

रोज मर्रा की जिंदगी में हम प्लास्टिक और प्लास्टिक से बनी कई चीजो का इस्तेमाल करते है, प्लास्टिक को तो हमने जरुरत बना लिया है।
हम में से कईयो को इसके हानिकारक प्रभाव पता है फिर भी हम आम तौर पर इसका इस्तेमाल करते है।  यह प्लास्टिक पर्यावरण के लिए हानिकारक है ये सब जानते है, लेकिन क्या आपको पता है की प्लास्टिक थैली, प्लास्टिक की पानी की बोतल के अलावा भी कई ऐसे उत्पाद है जो प्लास्टिक से बनते है। इस प्लास्टिक में भरी धातु (हेवी मेटल) जैसे कि लेड कैडमियम क्रोमियम ईत्यादि, थैलेट, बिस फेनॉल ए जैसे हानिकारक तत्व पाए जाते है।  
जिनके घरो में छोटे बच्चे है (लगभग ३-५ साल के ) उनके यहाँ आम तौर पे फीडिंग बोतल (दूध पिलाने की बोतल) और सिपर (पानी पिलाने की बोतल) पाया जा सकता है।

दोस्तों, अगर यह उत्पाद आपके घरों में है या आपके बच्चो के लिए खरीदना चाहते है तो सावधान हो जाईये, इस उत्पाद में बिस फिनॉल ऐ  (Bis Phenol A) यह एंडोक्राइन डिसराप्टिंग केमिकल (Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals)  याने EDCs  जो एक hormone disruptor है वो बच्चो को हानि पंहुचा सकता है।

बच्चो में मुख्य तौर पर निचे दी गयी बीमारिया ला सकता है
      ·         Heart disease
·         Diabetes
·         Brain function/Memory/ Learning
·         Asthma
·         Early development in children
·         Obesity especially in young children
अभी तो भारतीय मानक संसथान (BIS)  Bis Phenol A के लिए मानक तय किया है, और इसका इस्तमाल बच्चो के इन दो उत्पादों में वर्जित बताया है।  
आपको अपने बच्चो के लिए BPA free लिखे हुए जाने मने ब्रांड के ही उत्पाद  चाहिए, हो सकता है की  भारतीय मानक संसथान (BIS) की सूचना के बाद भी Bis Phenol A मिश्रित उत्पाद बाजार में उपलब्ध हो, तो सावधान हो जाईये। 
अपनी समझदारी अपने बच्चो को और पर्यावरण को स्वस्थ रख सकती है। 

डॉ प्रशांत राजनकर 

Monday, July 25, 2016

Johnson & Johnson Finally Admits: Their Baby Products Contain Cancer-Causing Chemicals

Mothers have that natural instinct and they care about one thing only. The health of their children. We all know this is huge importance of them so they care about the food they eat, the physical activity they have, the toxins they are exposed to and many, many other things. Sometimes, they do mistakes which are not aware of it, mistake for example like this:
They bath their children every night with the Johnson & Johnson, one of the world’s largest manufacturer products for baby care. Did you know that this products are filled with toxins which cannot be even near the baby’s skin? Probably not. Well it is time for you to find out what these products do for your baby’s skin and its immune system in general. 
The immune system of your child – Toddler or baby, it doesn’t matter, has one delicate immune system. If you put it into bubbles, it won’t be exposed to pathogens and bugs which can be helpful for the work of its immune system and the growth of their other systems. Chronic illnesses, autoimmune issues and poor health can be the side effects of exposing your child to toxins and unnatural ingredients.
The products of Johnson & Johnson are testing your child’s immune system and trigger many immune responses as irritating skin, and leave the immune system vulnerable and it easily can get other pathogens and diseases.
The dangerous ingredients of Johnson & Johnson – Do you read the labels on the backside of the product you buy from this company and why not? Grab the nearest product of it and start reading. Many products that are written on the backside cannot be pronounced and you never even heard about them. The 1, 4- dioxane is one of the toxins that can be found in this products and it is linked to many skin irritations, headaches and liver damage. Also, quaternium- 15 is one of the carcinogens which is found in Johnson & Johnson, it releases formaldehyde and reacts to skin over time.
Alternatives – The Manufacturers declare that they are working on this problem, they are in process of removing the toxic ingredients of the products but this kind of process takes time. This company which you are giving your money to, damages the health of your family and you should stop buying and consuming them.
The problem is strictly in America, other countries have toxin- free Johnson & Johnson products, Sweden, Japan, Norway, Africa, Finland and Denmark.     Companies like Burt’s Bees make healthy products and are good as alternative. Also, Little Twig, Aveeno, Baby Hanics, California Baby are good alternatives, try them all and decide what is best for your baby. Always make best choices for your child, protect him and make everything around him better as much as you can.
Source -

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