Showing posts with label Air Pollution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Air Pollution. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2019

बोतल वाली जिंदगी

"बोतल वाली जिंदगी" 
न दिया अगर तवज्जो पर्यावरण को,
तो जिंदगी, बोतलों में ही निकल जाएगी,
कभी शुद्ध हवा की तो कभी शुद्ध पानी की,
बोतलें हर घर नजर आएगी। 

यह कभी खुली थी आसमा में,
यह कभी भरा था धरती की गोद में।   
शुद्ध, शुद्ध, शुद्ध

ना कमी थी, ना चिंन्ता थी,  
अब तो दोनों ही है। 
और दोनों भी शुद्ध नहीं है।  

नहीं बचा कर रख पाए,
हम पर्यावरण का अभिमान। 
बस अपनी जरूरतों का ही रखा सारा ध्यान। 

अब समझ आया है, चुकाना है ऐहसान,
आओ मिलकर करे प्रयास,
बचाये पर्यावरण और प्राण। 
 - डॉ प्रशांत राजनकर 


Thank You and Regards- 
Dr. Prashant Rajankar, MSc. Ph.D.
Mob: +91-9650745900 I Skype 
– pnrajankar

Monday, February 27, 2017

Why do we need Air Purifier ??

Hello Friends,

Human are very intelligent, he has the ability to find the solution for every problem, sometimes beyond imaginations. But if he really acted well on a problem then it is possible to tackle that on the spot it occurs and no need to put efforts to find an alternative solution.

A recent example is air pollution and AIR Purifiers.
We as a human being are responsible for air pollution, each one of us knew very well the source and the causes of it (no need to explain it separately) still, we are not acting on it (except some agencies, and individuals). Every day we speak on it and just go away keeping the problem unsolved. Sometime we also one of the contributors in it.
Now many companies came up with some air purifier, see the tragedy
We are doing some activities (vehicular pollution, industrial, burning, cooking, etc.) and polluting our surrounding air which will become unhealthy and the same air we breathe every day.
Some of us afford the air purifier and it might again contribute to air pollution (it can be clear if someone does the life cycle assessment of the instrument). So the situation is unresolved but who is earning "a company". (I am not against any company but if it related to the environmental hazard then one must think about saving environment and not only the profits).
Instead of that, if everyone takes this responsibility and contribute to keep our air clean (rather environment clean) it will be a healthy future for everyone.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Air pollution increases risk of childhood obesity and diabetes

Air pollution increases risk of childhood obesity and diabetes There is increasing evidence for the role of environment in pathogenesis in many diseases. Children below 5 years of age and adults older than 50 years are most at risk. A global assessment of the burden of disease from environmental risks by the WHO has shown that 23% of global deaths and 26% of deaths among children under five are due to modifiable environmental factors. The harmful effects of air pollution on respiratory health are well-known to us and well-established. Air pollution has been linked to many noncommunicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, cancers and type 2 diabetes. A new study has again underscored the dire need for a healthier environment. This study has suggested that exposure to ambient air pollution may contribute to development of type 2 diabetes through direct effects on insulin sensitivity and β-cell function. The study reported in the January 2017 issue of the journal Diabetes investigated whether exposure to elevated concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM 2.5) had adverse effects on longitudinal measures of insulin sensitivity, β-cell function, and obesity in children at high risk for developing diabetes. Although this was not a cause and effect study, an association between air pollution and risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes in children was observed in the study. • Higher NO2 and PM2.5 were associated with a faster decline as well as a lower insulin sensitivity at age 18 independent of adiposity. • NO2 exposure negatively affected β-cell function evidenced by a faster decline in disposition index (DI) and a lower DI at age 18. • Higher NO2 and PM2.5 exposures over follow-up were also associated with a higher BMI at age 18. (Source: WHO, Diabetes 2017 Jan; db161416. Dr KK Aggarwal National President IMA & HCFI

Friday, November 11, 2016

Delhi Air Pollution

दिल्ली का प्रदुषण स्तर थोड़ा काम होता हुआ नजर तो आ रहा है लेकिन इसके परिणाम कितने हानिकारक हुए है शायद किसीको अंदाज नही है।
दिवाली के बाद और नजदीकी प्रदेशो में फसल जलने के बाद दिल्ली में हवा के प्रदुषण में काफी बढ़ोतरी दिखाई दी, जिससे की कई लोगो को बहोत परेशानी झेलनी पड़ी।
अभी तो थोड़ा स्तर काम लग रहा है लेकिन जो इससे लोग प्रभावित हुए है, उनको तो अब स्वास्थ की चिंता करनी पड़ेगी।  ऐसेमे आप अपने डॉक्टर से संपर्क करे, जब तक जरुरत न हो बाहर न निकले या फिर मास्क लगाकर घूमे, स्वास्थ संबधी किसी भी परेशानी को छोटा न समझे।

- प्रशांत 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Delhi pollution: Wait till Wednesday for clear sky, says Met Department

The forecast comes after poor visibility of less than 500 metres during 21 hours on Saturday and Sunday due to fog and smog, according to the IMD website.

Delhi residents can now hope to see a clear sky only on Wednesday, with the India Meteorological Department (IMD) forecasting dense fog for Monday, and dense to moderate fog the day after. IMD’s forecast for Wednesday is “mist in the morning followed by clear sky”.
The forecast comes after poor visibility of less than 500 metres during 21 hours on Saturday and Sunday due to fog and smog, according to the IMD website.
On Sunday, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had said that the burning of crops in neighbouring states was one of the main reasons for the sharp dip in the capital’s air quality. Images from NASA’s Fire Mapper also show that the number of fires in areas surrounding Delhi has been rising consistently over the last week.
The System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting and Research (SAFAR) has forecast that the concentration of Particulate Matter (PM) 2.5 in the air on Monday would be a high 613 micrograms per cubic metre — it was 588 micrograms per cubic metre on Sunday.
According to Met officials, the wind levels are expected to “remain calm” for at least two more days although the temperature would continue to drop — both conditions are favourable for the accumulation of pollutants.
According to Met officials, low wind speed, high humidity and low temperature are typical conditions that lead to the formation of smog.
“Wind speed on Sunday was in the range of 1.5 metres per second to 0.3 metres per second  — much lower than what is usually seen during this time of the year. Humidity levels are also unusually high with the peaks touching 95 per cent daily. Winters are supposed to be windy and dry. This year, the weather is unusual and is aiding the accumulation of pollutants,” said an official.
Officials said that wind speed started dropping from Diwali night, when the peak reached 2.5 metres per second. “Since then, it has consistently dropped and Sunday saw day-time wind speed plummet to 1 metre per second at some places,” said an official.
Source -

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Air pollution can affect child's brain development: Experts

Air pollution can affect a child's brain development, create abnormalities, and lower the IQ, health experts have claimed. The health experts, whose claim is based on several studies, said that the difference between the working memory capacity of children living in urban areas is 4-5 per cent lower than children living in rural areas due to the effects of pollution. "The findings are disturbing as optimal brain development is crucial in setting the foundation of children's future. Children are most vulnerable to negative effects of air pollution due to their higher breathing rate to body size ratio, and less developed natural barriers in the lungs," explained S.P. Byotra, Head of Department of Internal Medicine at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. Byotra claimed that even indoor environment cannot be termed as safe since exposure to many common everyday pollutants in our homes, including tobacco smoke, lead in paint and toys, emissions from cooking stoves, mycotoxins among others, can affect a child's brain development. A study published in PLOS Medicine, a peer-reviewed weekly medical journal, said that air pollution not only causes respiratory problems but can also affect the brain development of children of all ages including in the womb. According to medical experts, millions of children exposed to toxic levels of indoor and outdoor pollution were showing brain detrimental effects exhibiting brain abnormalities. Tobacco dust, indoor air pollution, and airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were contributing the most. "Indoor air pollution is one such health hazard which silently enters our body and incapacitates us from the inside. Its quality is equally or more dangerous than outdoor air pollution. Since we spend more time indoors, naturally the risk associated with indoor air is more," said Raj Kumar, Head of Respiratory Allergy and Applied Immunology at Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute. Considering the deterioration in health due to air pollution, a country wide anti-pollution awareness programme, named Clean Air India Movement (CLAIM), has been started by air purifier manufacturer Blueair. Under the initiative, Blueair has decided to plant a million trees across the country in the coming years. A study published in the Pediatrics journal shows a clear association between mothers' exposure to high levels of environmental pollutants during pregnancy to a four-point drop in children's IQ scores by age five. Source -

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