Friday, July 22, 2016

WHO encourages countries to act now to reduce deaths from viral hepatitis

Ahead of World Hepatitis Day falling on 28th July 2016, WHO is urging countries to take rapid action to improve knowledge about the disease, and to increase access to testing and treatment services. 

Today, only 1 in 20 people with viral hepatitis know they have it. And just 1 in 100 with the disease is being treated. Around the world 400 million people are infected with hepatitis B and C, more than 10 times the number of people living with HIV. An estimated 1.45 million people died of the disease in 2013 – up from less than a million in 1990.

“The world has ignored hepatitis at its peril,” said Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General. “It is time to mobilize a global response to hepatitis on the scale similar to that generated to fight other communicable diseases like HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis.”
In May 2016, at the World Health Assembly, 194 governments adopted the first ever Global Health Sector Strategy on viral hepatitis and agreed to the first-ever global targets. The strategy includes a target to treat 8 million persons for hepatitis B or C by 2020.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Community Service on 9th of every month

The Hon’ble Prime Minister has urged all doctors to examine pregnant women free of cost, on 9th of every month, and suggested that doctors give 12 days in 12 months to this noble cause.
The recently introduced “Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA)” provides the platform for collaboration between public and private health sectors with the aim of ensuring quality antenatal care to over 3 crore pregnant women every year.
The PMSMA has been designed to provide complete and quality ANC to women in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy on the 9th day of every month. Essentially, these services are to be provided by the Medical Officers and (Ob Gyn/MBBS) specialists.
In Public Health facilities, where such trained manpower is not available, State Governments have been asked to collaborate with the specialists/doctors from the private sector and engage the services from Private Practitioners (Ob Gyn/MBBS) on voluntary basis for the PMSMA.
Facilities can also be provided at private clinics and institutions volunteering to provide free antenatal services under the PMSMA.
One ultrasound has been recommended for all pregnant women during the second/third trimesters of pregnancy. If required, States have been asked to arrange for USG services in a public-private partnership mode.
If each and every pregnant woman in India is examined by a doctor and appropriately investigated at least once during the PMSMA, the Abhiyan can play a critical and crucial role in reducing the number of maternal deaths in our country.
Indian Medical Association has pledged its support to this movement and will join hands with the State Governments to make this movement a phenomenal success. We request all leaders to propagate this among your members.

Source : an update posted by Dr. K. K. Aggarwal @

Eating more fruits and vegetables predict happiness and satisfaction with life

Eating more fruits and vegetables predict happiness and satisfaction with life New research suggests that eating more fruits and vegetables can also increase levels of happiness later in life. In a study to be published in the American Journal of Public Health, researchers found that alterations in fruit and vegetable intake were predictive of later alterations in happiness and satisfaction with life. People who had been eating almost no fruits and vegetables and changed their diet to include fruits and vegetables per day experienced an increase in life satisfaction comparable to finding employment from an unemployed state. Their level of happiness increased incrementally for each extra daily portion of fruit and vegetables up to eight portions per day. The improvement in well-being was observed within 2 years of the study participants improving their diet. The study examined food diaries of 12,385 randomly sampled Australian adults over 2007, 2009, and 2013 in the Household, Income, and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey. A collaboration between the University of Warwick, England and the University of Queensland, Australia, it is one of the first major scientific attempts to explore psychological well-being beyond the well-known finding that fruits and vegetables can reduce risk of diabetes, cancer and heart attacks. (Source: Science Daily)
Courtesy : Dr K K AGGARWAL apge

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

नामी अस्पताल का कारनामा !!


आज मैं  आपके साथ एक किस्सा शेयर करने जा रहा हु, जिसे पढ़कर आप १ मिनिट जरूर सोच में पड़ जायेंगे।  

यह एक व्यक्तिगत अनुभव है और कुछ दिन पहले ही मैंने एक न्यूज पेपर में इसे पढ़ा और आप सभी दोस्तों के साथ शेयर करना जरुरी समझा।  

बड़े-बड़े नामी अस्पतालों का तो बुरा हाल है। 

अनुभव लिखने वाले व्यक्ती बतातें है की वे फेब्रुवरी 2015 में एक बड़े शहर के एक बहुत बड़े नामी अस्पताल में अपनी हार्ट प्रॉब्लम को लेकर उसी अस्पताल के प्रमुख में से एक और जाने माने डॉक्टर साहब से मिले। Rs.800/- उनकी consultation fees जमा की। उन डॉक्टर साहब ने जहां पहले इलाज चल रहा था उस शहर के रिकार्ड्स और पुरानी रिपोर्ट्स देख कर कहा कि उनके 3 valve ख़राब हैं। इन्हें बदलना होगा। खर्चा बताया 7.5 लाख रुपये। उनका 2D echo test भी किया गया और तब भी यही बताया गया। 

उस नामी अस्पताल के ही एक और निदेशक हैं जो की पेशंट के किसी सहयोगी के जान पहचान वाले थे, उनके ही reference वह उन्हें मिले। तब निदेशक साहब ने जो जाने माने डॉक्टर साहब है उनसे बात की और पेशंट को 5.75 लाख जमा करने को कहा। उन्होंने पैसे जमा कर दिए और एडमिट हो गए। चेक उप शुरू हो गए। और सर्जरी की तारीख12 मार्च  दी गयी।  

लेकिन 11 March की रात में जो लिस्ट release की गयी, उसमें उनका नाम ही नहीं था। अगली सुबह जब डॉक्टर साहब राउंड पर आये तो पता चला कि पेशंट के यूरिन में इन्फेक्शन है, उसका ट्रीटमेंट होगा और तब सर्जरी होगी। ट्रीटमेंट  में सुबह-शाम एंटीबायोटिक इंजेक्शन्स लगने थे। 6 दिन का कोर्स था। नामी अस्पताल रुम का किराया प्रति दिन 8000/- था। तो उन्होंने डिस्चार्ज ले लिया और बाहर किसी गेस्ट हॉउस में रहकर ट्रीटमेंट लेने लगे। 

5 दिन बाद उनके एक मित्र ने कहा कि एक बार cross check के लिए कहीं और भी echo कर लेना चाहिए, उनके कहने पर वह दूसरे जाने माने हार्ट अस्पताल में गए और वहां 2D echo कराया जिसमे 3000/- खर्चा आया।  उन लोगों ने बताया कि 01 valve खराब है। उसकी सर्जरी करके बदलने (replace) की कीमत बतायी सिर्फ 3.75 लाख।

अब सब बहुत confused हो गए क्योंकि पहले जिस नामी अस्पताल उनका 5.75 लाख जमा था। वह लोग फिर निदेशक साहब से दोबारा मिले और उनको हार्ट अस्पताल की echo रिपोर्ट दिखाई। 

निदेशक साहब सर पकड़ कर बैठे रहे, उनका पूरा स्टाफ  करीब 8-9 लोग उस समय उनके चैम्बर में थे, निदेशक साहब करीब 30-40 सेकण्ड के शांत रहने के बाद बोले कि - "यार मैं तो ०००० से (उस नामी डॉक्टर का नाम लेकर) पहले दिन से कह रहा हूँ कि आपका एक ही valve खराब है, लेकिन क्या करें, हम लोगों पर इतना प्रेशर रहता है।" He was shocked to hear this. उनका सारा स्टाफ एक दूसरे की शकल देखता रहा। उनके चेहरे पर शर्मिंदगी और पेशंट उनकी फैमिली के चेहरे पर असंतोष के भाव थे। 

उन्होंने कहा निदेशक साहब हम आपके पास फलाँ व्यक्ति के रेफरेंस से आये थे।  कम से कम आप उन्ही  का काम  सोच कर हमसे ईमानदारी रखते। खैर, उन  लोगों ने बाद में अपने पैसे वहां से वापस मांगे तो 80000/- काट कर उनको  पैसे वापस किये गए। 80000/- hospital ने अपने खर्चे के काट लिए, जो उनकी  जाँचे हुई थी और 4 दिन वे लोग 8 star अस्पताल में रहे थे। फाइनली, उन्होंने अपनी surgery दूसरे अस्पताल में कराई । 
इस प्रकार से बड़े अस्पताल में शायद मरीज़ को फसाया जाता हैं। 

यह उनका अपना व्यक्तिगत अनुभव रहा जो कि अत्यन्त दुख:दायी है। इतना बड़ा अस्पताल, इतने बड़े नाम वाला डॉक्टर और ये हाल !!! 

तो दोस्तों, भगवान करे किसी को भी ऐसा परेशान ना होना पड़े।  यह हमारा जीवन है, सेहत के साथ भी उच नीच होती ही रहेगी, पर अगर हम इस तरह की या और भी अन्य कोई बीमारियों  घिरते है तो दूसरे जगह की सलाह ले सकते है, ताकी हम अंतिम निर्णय लेने के पहले सोच सकते है। 

इस ब्लॉग में, मैंने अनुभव बताने वाले व्यक्ति का नाम, डॉक्टर्स के नाम या अस्पताल का नाम नहीं लिखा है, यह खबर एक न्यूज पेपर में पढ़ी और आप सभी दोस्तों के साथ शेयर करना जरुरी समझा।  

धन्यवाद !
डॉ. प्रशांत राजनकर 

Sunday, July 3, 2016

बायो-केमिकल एंजिओप्लास्टी - Bio-Chemical Angioplasty

आज मुझे मेरे व्हाट्सप्प पे एक सूचना मिलीं, जो की, चेस्ट पेन, हार्ट अटैक से जुड़ी है। मैंने इस जानकारी का विश्लेषण तो नहीं किया लेकिन, मुझे ऐसे लगा, अगर आपको किसी को और ज्यादा जानकारी चाहिए तो निचे दिए नंबरों पे जानकारी ली जा सकती है । 

"Bio-Chemical Angioplasty"
(बायो-केमिकल एंजिओप्लास्टी)

Recently, one person was admitted to a nursing home at Ahmedabad, due to severe chest pain. He had an earlier attack  in 2014 and was under treatment. The doctors now suggested Angiography.
Upon undergoing Angiography at multi speciality Hospital  Doctors diagnosed multiple blockages for which Angioplasty was ruled out and instead,  suggested 'Bypass Surgery'.
That evening, he was brought home as a doctor suggested his heart being very weak, bypass could be performed only after 10 - 15 days.
Meanwhile, after discussing the matter with relatives and close friends, fresh  information came from a family friend.
A new treatment which is known as-"Bio-Chemical Angioplasty" has been introduced into the Indian medical theatre.
With this therapy, a patient who has to undergo by-pass need not do so.
Instead, the patient is given about 20 bottles of IV fluids in which certain medicament are injected. The medicine cleans the system and removes all blockages from the heart and the arteries. The number of bottles given may increase depending upon the age-factor and health of the patient.
Cost per bottle Rs.2000/-

Currently, only a few doctors in India specialise in this field

One of them is DR. Bimal Chhajer MBBS MD Ex-Consultant AIIMS
He has a list of patients who had to undergo by-pass from major hospitals; but, instead after undergoing the new treatment, they are absolutely fine and are leading a normal life.
Doctor's details for your info are:

Please forward this message It Might Help!! Please, don't delete this without forwarding.
I am forwarding it to the maximum I can. Let it reach the 120 crore  Indians and the remaining if any Create Awareness!
It might help someone. Forward to as many as u can.


डॉ. प्रशांत राजनकर 

Friday, July 1, 2016

This microbe thinks plastic is dinner !!

This microbe thinks plastic is dinner

-- A newly discovered bacterium chows down on plastics which could make it helpful in pollution cleanup. Researchers have found a microbe that chows down on a major polluting plastic. 

People value this plastic because it can be made into stiff and strong fibers. This plastic also can be molded into semi-hard sheets. Because the material's name is such a mouthful, most people just refer to it as PET for polyethylene terephthalate. It is the basis of polyester fabrics and disposable beverage bottles. But the bacterium Ideonella sakaiensis doesn’t wear clothes or sip from bottles. For this microbe, PET is simply dinner.
Tech Talk Monthly Newsletter by Spectro Group
Researchers in Japan discovered the germ in samples of soil, wastewater and the sludge that accumulates at some recycling plants. Bits of PET tainted all of the samples. That’s not too surprising. This plastic is very stable, and few known microbes can break it down. But I. sakaiensis can use PET as its main food source, the new data show.

Tech Talk Monthly Newsletter by Spectro Group
Tests show that these microbes first latch onto the plastic. Then they release a protein that breaks the plastic down into smaller molecules that the microbe can munch on. Millions of tons of PET are made every year. Most microbes that degrade plastics have no interest in PET. That's why the long-lasting plastic can build up in the environment, where it can pose a risk to wildlife. With its appetite for this pollutant, however, the newfound microbe might turn out to find a welcome role in plastic-waste cleanup, Yoshida’s team says.

Student Science

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