Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Our belly button (NABHI) is an amazing gift

Hello friends,
This news I received on my Whatsapp and I found it interesting.

Dr. Prashant.

Navel News.


Our belly button (NABHI )  is an amazing gift given to us by our creator. A 62 year old man had poor vision in his left eye. He could hardly see especially at night and was told by eye specialists that his eyes were in a good condition but the only problem was that the veins supplying blood to his eyes were dried up and he would never be able to see again.

According to Science, the first part created after conception takes place is the belly button. After it’s created, it joins to the mother’s placenta through the umbilical chord. 

Our belly button is surely an amazing thing! According to science, after a person has passed away, the belly button is still warm for 3 hours the reason being that when a woman conceives a child, her belly button supplies nourishment to the child through the child’s belly button. And a fully grown child is formed in 270 days = 9 months.

This is the reason all our veins are connected to our belly button which makes it the focal point of our body. The belly button is life itself!

The “PECHOTI” is situated behind the belly button which has 72,000 plus veins over it. The total amount of blood vessels we have in our body are equal to twice the circumference of the earth.

Applying oil to belly button CURES dryness of eyes, poor eyesight, pancreas over or under working, cracked heels and lips, keeps face glowing, shiny hair, knee pain, shivering, lethargy, joint pains, dry skin.

REMEDY For dryness of eyes, poor eyesight, fungus in nails, glowing skin, shiny hair

At night before bed time, put 3 drops of pure ghee or coconut oil in your belly button and spread it 1 and half inches around your belly button.

For knee pain

At night before bed time, put 3 drops of castor oil in your belly button and spread it 1 and half inches around your belly button.

For shivering and lethargy, relief from joint pain, dry skin

At night before bed time, put 3 drops of mustard oil in your belly button and spread it 1 and half inches around your belly button.


You belly button can detect which veins have dried up and pass this oil to it hence open them up.

When a baby has a stomach ache, we normally mix asafoetida (hing) and water or oil and apply around the naval. Within minutes the ache is cured. Oil works the same way.

Try it. There's no harm in trying.

You can keep a small dropper bottle with the required oil next to your bed and drop few drops onto navel and massage it before going to sleep. This will make it convenient to pour and avoid accidental spillage.

I am forwarding this valuable and very useful information received from a very good friend. Its really amazing. A million thanks to the friend. Happy to share it with friends.


Dr. Ajay dubey
Assistant professor
Govt. Of India.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

बैटरी गलाने के कारण दिल्ली की हवा और मिट्टी जहरीली हो रही है

बैटरी गलाने के कारण दिल्ली की हवा और मिट्टी जहरीली हो रही है। यह काम दिल्ली में सात जगहों पर 
किया जा रहा है। इसके कारण आसपास की हवा और मिट्टी में खतरनाक लेड धातु का प्रदूषण फैल रहा

प्रदूषण पर काम करने वाली संस्था टॉक्सिक लिंक ने अपने अध्ययन रिपोर्ट में इसका खुलासा किया है। 

टॉक्सिक लिंक संस्था ने किया अध्ययन, दिल्ली में सात जगहों पर हो रहा यह काम, 

जानलेवा हो सकती है लापरवाही

चिंताजनक : बैटरी गलाने से जहरीली हो रही मिट्टी और हवा

बैटरी गलाने के कारण दिल्ली की हवा और मिट्टी जहरीली हो रही है। 
यह काम दिल्ली में सात जगहों पर किया जा रहा है। इसके कारण आसपास की हवा और मिट्टी में 
खतरनाक लेड धातु का प्रदूषण फैल रहा है। प्रदूषण पर काम करने वाली संस्था टॉक्सिक लिंक ने अपने 
अध्ययन रिपोर्ट में इसका खुलासा किया है। .

सेहत के लिए जानलेवा : अलग-अलग वाहनों, इंवर्टर और ई-रिक्शा में प्रयोग की जाने वाली बैटरी का अगर सही 
तरीके से निस्तारण नहीं किया जाए तो यह लापरवाही सेहत के लिए जानलेवा हो सकती है। बैटरी को गलाने से 
होने वाले खतरों पर टॉक्सिक लिंक संस्था की रिपोर्ट कहती है कि दिल्ली में सात जगहों पर यह काम किया जा रहा है। .

यहां हो रहा यह काम: रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, दिल्ली में सीलमपुर, मुस्तफाबाद, मदनगीर, तुर्कमान गेट, दक्षिणीपुरी, 
पहाड़गंज और तीसहजारी में पुरानी बैटरी गलाकर उसमें से लेड निकालने का काम होता है। वहीं गाजियाबाद में 
लालकुआं, डासना-मसूरी, मुरादनगर और मोदीनगर में भी बड़े पैमाने पर यह काम हो रहा है। .

इन राज्यों में भी पहुंची टीम : संस्था की टीम ने दिल्ली के अलावा राजस्थान, आंध्र प्रदेश, राजस्थान और झारखंड में 
भी पुरानी बैटरी गलाने की प्रक्रिया का गहराई से अध्ययन किया है। .
1. बैटरी बनाने वाले ब्रांड को नियमत: पुरानी बैटरी को वापस लेना चाहिए। पुरानी बैटरी कबाड़ीवालों या अन्य 
माध्यमों से अनौपचारिक क्षेत्र में पहुंच जाता है। जहां असुरक्षित तरीके से इसे गलाकर लेड निकाला जाता है,
जिससे हवा और मिट्टी प्रदूषित हो रही है। प्रीती महेश, मुख्य कार्यक्रम समन्वयक, टॉक्सिक लिंक
2. यह है नुकसान बैटरी गलाने से मिट्टी और हवा में खतरनाक भारी धातु (हैवी मैटल) लेड के कण घुल-मिल जा रहे हैं।
 इसका धुआं मानव मस्तिष्क, किडनी, फेफड़े आदि के लिए बेहद खतरनाक है। 
इसका दुष्परिणाम इस काम में लगे लोगों के अलावा आस-पास रहने वालों को भी झेलना पड़ता है।

Friday, July 26, 2019

सब्जी के साथ आपको क्या फ्री मिलता है? "धनिया"' No....No....No...

सब्जी के साथ आपको क्या फ्री मिलता है?

शायद आपका जवाब  होगा  "धनिया"'
थोड़ी देर के लिए मान भी लेते है, लेकिन सच्चाई कुछ है, क्यूंकि सी. इस. आई. आर - नीरी  (CSIR - NEERI) की ताज़ा रिसर्च की  माने तो दिल्ली में बिक रही कई सब्जियों में कई हानिकारक तत्व पाए गए है, जैसे की सीसा (lead), मरकरी (Hg) निकल, और कैडमियम जो की हेवी मेटल्स है और lead, mercury तो WHO की हानिकारक तत्वों  की लिस्ट में भी शामिल है। 

हलाकि टॉक्सिक्स लिंक* की स्टडी जो २०१४  गयी थी उसमे यमुना के मिटटी  में हेवी मेटल्स पाए गए थे, उसके बाद २०१५ में NGT (नैशनल ग्रीन ट्रिब्यूनल ) ने यमुना फ्लडप्लेन में सब्जियों एवं जानवरो के खाने योग्य उपज करने के लिए बैन लगाया था उसके बावजूद भी वहां अगर सब्जिया उगाई जा रही है तो हमे सावधान होना चाहिए। 

NEERI के स्टडी के अनुसार धनिया, और अन्य सब्जियों में सीसा का लेवल FSSAI के स्टैण्डर्ड से ज्यादा मिला है हलाकि जब तक स्टडी हुआ होगा तबतक कई लोगो  में यह हानिकारक तत्व पहुंच गए होंगे। 

दिल्ली वालो के लिए तथा अन्य जगहों में जहा अगर जहरीले पानी से सब्जियों की खेती होती है तो उन सभी लोगो यह बहोत गंभीर बात है 

इससे कैसे बच सकते है, इसका समाधान ढूंढ़ना आवश्यक है। 

read this -  (How to reduce chemical exposure in fruits and vegetables?)

सामान्यतः  हमारा शरीर तरह के तत्वों पे रिएक्ट करता है,  बार उन्हें शरीर से बाहर कर देता है लेकिन अगर लगातार यह तत्व शरीर में आते है तो इसके विपरीत परिणाम दिखना शुरू हो जाता है। 
यह  पहले तो पेट के माध्यम से खून में जाता है, उसके बाद सॉफ्ट tissues (ब्रेन, किडनी, लंग्स, इ.) और lead जैसे तत्व bones में भी जाते सकते है।  

हेवी मेटल्स के गंभीर परिणाम 
- एनर्जी लेवल को करना 
- ब्रेन के फंक्शन को हानी पहुंचना 
- लंग्स के फंक्शन को हानी पहुंचना 
- किडनी के फंक्शन को हानी पहुंचना 
- लिवर के फंक्शन को हानी पहुंचना
- ज्यादा मात्रा में lead लेवल हो तो कोमा  सकते है 
- कैंसर जैसी घातक बीमारी भी  है। 

यह परिणाम दिखने से पहले कुछ लक्षण जैसे की ( पेट दर्द, सर दर्द, उलटी आना, बच्चो में भूख न लग्न, पढाई में ध्यान न लग्न, चिड़चिड़ापन)दिखाई पड़ते है उन्हें वह अगर ध्यान में आये तो उससे बचा जा सकता है. 


Monday, June 24, 2019

बोतल वाली जिंदगी

"बोतल वाली जिंदगी" 
न दिया अगर तवज्जो पर्यावरण को,
तो जिंदगी, बोतलों में ही निकल जाएगी,
कभी शुद्ध हवा की तो कभी शुद्ध पानी की,
बोतलें हर घर नजर आएगी। 

यह कभी खुली थी आसमा में,
यह कभी भरा था धरती की गोद में।   
शुद्ध, शुद्ध, शुद्ध

ना कमी थी, ना चिंन्ता थी,  
अब तो दोनों ही है। 
और दोनों भी शुद्ध नहीं है।  

नहीं बचा कर रख पाए,
हम पर्यावरण का अभिमान। 
बस अपनी जरूरतों का ही रखा सारा ध्यान। 

अब समझ आया है, चुकाना है ऐहसान,
आओ मिलकर करे प्रयास,
बचाये पर्यावरण और प्राण। 
 - डॉ प्रशांत राजनकर 


Thank You and Regards- 
Dr. Prashant Rajankar, MSc. Ph.D.
Mob: +91-9650745900 I Skype 
– pnrajankar

Friday, June 21, 2019

Happy International YOGA Day - YOGA Se HOGA !!

Happy International YOGA Day - YOGA Se HOGA !!
Dear All,
Wish you a very Happy International YOGA Day


Yoga is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India. The word ‘yoga’ derives from Sanskrit and means to join or to unite, symbolizing the union of body and consciousness.


Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Ban Dental Amalgam in India for Vulnerable Population

Dear Friends,

Plz Plz Plz

Sign the following petition on the link below

A petition run by Toxics Link to ban dental amalgam in India

Dental amalgam is a restorative material used for filling tooth cavities. It is marketed as “silver” filling, though in reality, it contains 50% mercury, a hugely toxic metal. Many countries across the globe have banned amalgam use in children under age 15, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers.
Numerous studies have established:
• Raised blood mercury levels in humans with a dental amalgam filling.
• Mercury filling as a potential threat of chronic mercury poisoning because of  the constant release of mercury vapor from dental amalgams
• Correlation between mercury and underdevelopment of neurological systems in fetuses and young children.
• Mercury from a pregnant mother can impact the unborn fetus.
• Milk tooth will fall, so why use mercury filling.
• Minamata convention, the world's first legally binding treaty on mercury, also recommends phase down of mercury amalgam and mentions “Fetuses, newborn babies and children are amongst the most vulnerable and sensitive to the adverse effects of mercury.”
Despite these, laws to protect this utmost vulnerable population are yet to be imposed in our country!
Considering its serious impacts, it is time for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to ban amalgam use in a vulnerable population.  All children and expecting & lactating females in India deserve equivalent protection from mercury fillings as availed by numerous around the globe.
We all need to come together to demand a ban on the use of mercury fillings in children, pregnant and breastfeeding women.
You can help by….
1. Signing the petition.
2. Posting a link to the petition 
on your Facebook page, Twitter account, website, and/or e-newsletter and tag # MOHFW #IDA #Toxicslink #DCI
3. Forwarding this post to your contact list asking them to join you in signing the petition
4. Asking your contacts to share the petition with their friends and family too
With your help, we can send a strong message to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Indian Dental Association!!

Monday, May 13, 2019

Plastic bottle waste generated at Indian Railways can be reduce with some initiative and modifications

·         The Indian Railways are the fourth-largest railway network in the world comprising 1,19,630 km of total track and 92,081 km of running track over a route of 66,687 km, with 7,216 stations at the end of 2015-16[1]
·         It has 115,000 km of track length. It runs more than 13,313 trains
·         In 2015-16, the Indian Railways carried more than 22 million (22000000), passengers a day or over 8 billion (8000000000) passengers annually.[2][3]
Plastic waste is now a global problem; the use of plastic in everyday products has been increased in the recent year so the generation of more plastic waste is expected. On-the-go lifestyles require easily disposable products, such as water bottles, but the accumulation of these products has led to increasing amounts of plastic pollution around the world. As plastic is composed of major toxic pollutants, it has the potential to cause great harm to the environment in the form of air, water, and land pollution.
There are 7 different types of plastics based on their resin type. Some of these are commonly recycled. But if not recycled and left unattended then it will harm the environment.
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) use in the production of bottles which are useful for different purposes and one of the uses in the packaging of mineral water, many of us use packaged drinking water on various occasion.
This article is trying to focus on the plastic bottles waste generated by the passengers during their travel in Indian railways.

Review of the problem
  • Plastics waste contributes significantly to the total municipal solid waste (MSW) generated in India.
  • A Central Pollution Control Board study in 2015 revealed that approximately 25,940 tonnes of plastic waste is generated in India per day, with 60 major cities contributing 4,059 tonnes of plastic waste per day (~8% of MSW).[4]
  • In 2009 the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) done an assessment of plastic waste and its management at railway stations in Delhi.[5]
  • 88.5 Kg at Hazrat Nizamuddin railway station, 1130 Kg at New Delhi railway station and 262.5 kg at Old Delhi railway station (Annexure 1)
  • In the case of railways waste generation assessment, three major stations were taken into account. This was based on all waste generated as platforms and from some trains like Rajdhani

  • In 2013 two students done research on the waste generated at Surat railway station. They have calculated the waste generation form express trains only.[6]
  • From pantry car, they have calculated 700 plastic water pouches, 100 plastic mineral water bottles, and daily express waste was 84200 plastic mineral water bottles per day (Annexure 2).
  • In its research, it has mentioned that all this waste is spread across the length and breadth of the country, contaminating land and soil, and polluting water bodies. It is imperative that the railways draw up an efficient waste management system. It simply cannot continue to pollute the entire country with its solid waste. 
  • This situation is alarming and hence need to take the serious actionsText Box: Plastic bottles could take 450 years to decompose naturally (exact time will by product types and environmental conditions).
  • As per CPCB calculations, India generates around 25,940 tonnes of plastic waste a day (t/day)[7]-[8]. 
  • If we consider that only 50 percent passengers that purchase mineral water bottles while traveling and throw it (either on tracks, bins, railway stations or anywhere) then the calculated amount of waste empty mineral water bottles generated would be 110 Tons per day
Table 1 Estimation of the total package plastic bottles used per day in Indian railways

Daily passengers
Annually passengers
Based on the data of the year 2015-16
Approximately 220,00,000 (220 L)
Approximately 800,00,00,000 (8000 L)
Considering 50% of passengers use  packaged drinking water  during their travel and 1 bottle each passenger
110,00,000 (110 L) Plastic bottles daily
400,00,00,000 (4000 L)  Plastic bottles annually
Approximate weight of empty packaged drinking water bottle is around 10 gms 
110,00,000 X 10 gms =
4000000000 X 10 gms =
Total weight of empty packaged drinking water bottles in grams
1,100,00,000 gms
40000000000 gms
In Kilograms
1,10,000 Kg
40000000 Kg
In Tons
110 Tons
40000 Tons

  • Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Called the “three R’s” (or a key) of waste management, this waste hierarchy is the guidance suggested for creating a sustainable life.
  • Reduce – means cut down the uses
  • Reuse – means the repeated use
  • Recycle – Transform it into raw material that can be shaped into a new item
  • These three R’s rule also applicable to plastic mineral water bottles management but if the Railway Ministry or the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change take certain initiative/action then the amount of waste of empty mineral water bottles can be reduced at certain levels.
Step 1 – installation of additional drinking water (with some filter arrangements) tanks in each passenger bogie. This tank will be of certain capacities which can be refilled at some designated railway (in case of long distance trains).
(Assumption – a passenger once generated faith on the quality of drinking water could buy once a bottle or carry its own bottle and refill it in the bogies itself (instead of purchasing a new one each time or getting down at platform)
Step 2 – spreading awareness among the passengers by advertising it on tickets, websites, through mobile apps, sticking information material in the bogies.
It was assumed that slowly and steadily people’s mindset will change and some of them will adopt the practices of refilling of drinking water during their travel and will not purchase a new bottle every time they needed. This will also reduce the additional cost on their pockets as well as the demand for plastic bottles. Hence the generation of plastic bottle waste per capita will minimize and no additional cost will be incurred to recycle it.
Text Box: Note – The data presented in this article is based on the secondary research available online and the calculated values are based on the assumption and it is an approximate estimation.
Contact Details:
Dr. Prashant Rajankar

Annexure 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Annexure 2



Friday, April 26, 2019

How to reduce chemical exposure in fruits and vegetables?

Dear friends,

Living healthy is now everybody's priority.

And one of the ways is to eat healthy fruits and vegetables. We also prefer raw vegetables as a green SALAD.....

It is observed that for certain purposes there (keeping fresh for a long time, keeping away from insects or pest, etc) a large amount of pesticides, insecticides, or chemicals getting used nowadays..

This same will reach in our body when we eat it raw.


If we take enough water and 1 teaspoon baking soda in it and keep the veggies or fruits in it for 15 minutes then it will remove or reduce the levels of pesticides, insecticides, or chemical

Now you can eat it RAW


or when you cook veggies, keep the lid open for some time to evaporate the chemicals.

This simple tips may reduce toxicity..

If anyone wants to see the video on it...

Please comment or email..

Source -

Thanks and Regards,
Dr. Prashant Rajankar

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