Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Controlling BP Might Control Premature Deaths in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Patients

A study revealed in the Journal of American Society of Nephrology, shows that control of blood pressure (BP) could reduce the risk of early death amongst CKD patients. The study showed that having a lower BP target than 140/90 mm Hg that is currently the recommended goal, was safe and associated with protection against premature death. Assistant Professor at the University of California San Francisco, Elaine Ku stated ‘the data that we provide includes outcomes beyond the typical duration of clinical trials of blood pressure control and demonstrate the long-term safety of tighter blood pressure control, with potential benefits from a mortality standpoint in patients with known kidney disease.’ Longer-term observational studies however, show that lower blood pressure levels may be harmful.

Posted By - Dr. Dinesh Chandra @ eMediNexus

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

एटीएम कार्ड है तो आपके पास है 5 लाख का इंश्योरेंस, क्या जानते हैं आप

नई दिल्लीः शहर से लेकर गांवों तक बहुत कम लोग ऐसे बचे हैं जो एटीएम का इस्तेमाल ना 
करते हों लेकिन बड़ी संख्या में लोग एटीएम के दुर्घटना स्कीम के बारे में नहीं जानते. 
आजकल ज्यादातर लोग एटीएम कार्ड का इस्तेमाल करते हैं लेकिन एटीएम का एक और 
फायदा है जो आपको पता ही नहीं है और वो जानकारी आपके बेहद काम की है.
यदि किसी भी सरकारी या गैर सरकारी बैंक का एटीएम आपके पास है तो आपका उस बैंक में 
अपने आप ही दुर्घटना बीमा हो गया है. ये बीमा 25,000 रुपये से लेकर 5 लाख रुपये तक का होता है. 
इस योजना को शुरु हुई कई साल हो गए हैं लेकिन 90-95 फीसदी लोगों को इस बात की जानकारी 
ही नहीं है क्योंकि बैंक कभी खुद ये जानकारी ग्राहकों को नहीं देते हैं.
दुर्घटना बीमा की ये प्रक्रिया क्या है और मुआवजा कैसे मिलता है वो जान लीजिए.
स्कीम के मुताबिक अगर किसी एटीएम धारक की दुर्घटना में मौत हो जाती है तो उसके परिवार 
के सदस्य को 2 महीने से लेकर 5 महीने के भीतर बैंक की उस ब्रांच में जाना होगा जहां उस 
शख्स का खाता था और वहां पर मुआवजे को लेकर एक एप्लीकेशन देनी होगी. अगर आपके 
पास किसी एक बैंक में एक ही अकाउंट हो या फिर उस बैंक की दूसरी ब्रांच में भी 
अकाउंट हो तो भी मुआवजा आपको किसी एक एटीएम पर ही मिलेगा जिससे पैसे का लेन-देन 
किया जा रहा हो. मुआवजा देने के पहले बैंक ये देखेंगे कि मौत से पहले पिछले 45 दिन के 
भीतर उस एटीएम से किसी तरह का वित्तीय लेन-देन हुआ था या नहीं.
बैंक में अकाउंट खुलने के बाद जैसे ही एटीएम आपको मिलता है बीमा पॉलिसी लागू हो जाती है. 
बैंक की तरफ से बीमा करवाया जाता है जिससे एटीएम धारक की मौत होने के बाद परिवार को 
मदद मिल सके.
इस स्कीम के मुताबिक आंशिक विकलांगता से लेकर मृत्यु होने तक अलग अलग तरह के 
मुआवजे का प्रावधान दिया गया है. इसके लिए एटीएम धारक को कोई पैसा भी जमा नहीं कराना होता है.
बस यदि आपके पास एटीएम है तो उस बैंक में ऑटोमैटिक दुर्घटना बीमा का फायदा आपको 
मिल सकता है. नियम ये है कि अगर एटीएम धारक की किसी दुर्घटना में मौत हो जाती है तो उसके 
घरवालों को उस बैंक से मुआवजा मिलेगा. ये योजना बैंक के ग्राहकों के लिए ही होती है लेकिन 
बैंक कभी भी इस बात की जानकारी ग्राहक को नहीं देते.
जानें किस स्थिति में कितना मिल सकता है मुआवजा
अगर आपके पास साधारण एटीएम है तो 1 लाख रुपये तक का मुआवजा परिवार वालों को 
मिलेगा और अगर कार्ड मास्टरकार्ड है तो ये मुआवजा 2 लाख रुपये तक हो सकता है. आंशिक 
विकलांगता की सूची में अगर एक हाथ या एक पैर खराब होता है तो बैंक से 50,000 रुपये का 
मुआवजा मिल सकता है. वहीं दोनों हाथ या दोनों पैर खराब होने की सूरत में भी 1 लाख रुपये का 
मुआवजा एटीएम धारक को मिल सकता है.
अलग-एलग एटीएम टाइप पर अलग-अलग बीमा राशि
मास्टर कार्ड धारक को 50 हजार रुपये का बीमा और क्लासिक एटीएम पर 1 लाख रुपये तक का 
बीमा होता है. सभी वीजा कार्ड पर 2 लाख रुपये का बीमा और मास्टर मित्र कार्ड पर 25 हजार 
रुपये का बीमा होता है. वहीं प्लैटिनम कार्ड पर 2 लाख रुपये और मास्टर प्लैटिनम कार्ड पर 
5 लाख रुपये तक का बीमा आपको बैंक से मिल सकता है.
मतलब ये कि अगर आपके पास प्लेटिनम कार्ड है जो आपके कार्ड पर 2 लाख रुपए का दुर्घटना 
बीमा का प्रावधान है. अगर आपके पास क्लासिक कार्ड या फिर किसान डेबिट कार्ड है तो उस पर 
50 हजार रुपए की राशि तय की गई है पीएनबी मित्र एटीएम कार्ड पर 25 हजार रुपए का 
दुर्घटना बीमा होता है. जबकि मास्टर रक्षक प्लेटिनम कार्ड पर 5 लाख रुपए का बीमा राशि 
तय की गई है.
जानें अपने हक को
आपके लिए सलाह यही है कि बैंक में अपने एटीएम के बारे में पूछताछ करें और इस बात की
जानकारी मांगे कि आपके एटीएम कार्ड पर आपको कितना बीमा मिला है. बैंक अगर इंकार 
करे तो उसे बताएं कि आपको सरकार द्वारा इस योजना की पूरी जानकारी है. अगर दुर्घटना या 
एटीएम धारक की मृत्यु हो जाती है तो कार्ड टाइप के अनुसार मिलने वाली बीमा राशि की मांग करें 
और अगर बैंक इंकार करता है तो कंज्यूमर फोरम में जाकर अपना हक ले सकते हैं.

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Monday, August 15, 2016

स्वतंत्रता दिवस कि शुभ कामनाए

Health is Wealth स्वास्थ हि धन कि और से सभी देश वासीयो को स्वतंत्रता दिवस कि शुभ कामनाए ।
 Happy Independence Day 
सारे जहाँ से अच्छा हिंदुस्तान हमारा

Friday, August 12, 2016

How your washing machine could be damaging fertility

Clothes pick up flame retardant chemicals which end up in water courses when washed CREDIT: ALAMY 

The mystery of how hormone-disrupting chemicals have come to be found in lakes and rivers has been solved, and the culprit is the washing machine.
Scientists have long puzzled as to how flame retardant compounds and chemicals used to make plastics bendy end up in the environment as factories are careful not to allow spillages.
The levels of phthalates and retardants in the natural world is worrying because there is increasing evidence that they damage fertility and could be the reason why male sperm counts have fallen dramatically since the 1940s.
Women with the highest concentrations of phthalates in their bodies are also more likely to suffer low libido and a study published this week by British researchers showed that the fertility of dogs has dropped since 1988,  because they share the same environment to humans.
Now researchers at the University of Toronto believe they have found the answer to how they chemicals are polluting the natural world.

Flame retardant chemicals are thought to damage sperm CREDIT: ALAMY 

It appears that human clothing can trap the chemicals in their fibres and come laundry day, they are released into water of the washing machine, before being swept away into the sewerage system. 
Wastewater plants extract less than 20 per cent of the chemicals so most will find their way into rivers and lakes.
“These results have implications regarding the role of clothing conveying chemicals with indoor sources to the outdoor environment,” said lead author Dr Miriam Diamond, from the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences at Toronto.
“Our results suggest that physical and chemical properties of fabrics, as well as chemicals, account for chemical accumulation and release
“Clothing is unique in the indoor environment as it undergoes continual laundering.  These results support the hypothesis that clothing acts as an efficient conveyer of (chemicals) from indoors to outdoors through accumulation from air and then release during laundering.”
Phthalates are used in everything from synthetic fragrances to plastic food containers, vinyl flooring, insect repellent, shower curtains and even steering wheels and dashboards.
Everything from shower curtains to rubber ducks contain chemicals which are flame retardants and make plastics bendy 

But they are not chemically bound to the plastics they are added to, so they are continuously released into the atmosphere. Bendy plastic tends to harden and become brittle over time and because the phthalates have leached out.

The study found that natural fibres were worse for trapping phthalates with cotton picking up nearly double the level of phalataes as polyester, 3475 ng/dm2 (billionth of a gram per 10cm squared) compared with 1950 ng/dm2 for the manmade fibre.
As well as fertility problems, studies in both animals and humans have also linked flame retardants to thyroid disorders, memory and learning problems, delayed mental and physical development, lower IQ, and advanced puberty. Phthalates have also been linked to diabetes. 
Dr Michael Warhurst, Executive Director of CHEM Trust said phthalates could be found in household dust, which can also get on clothes.
"Most people don’t realise quite how many hazardous chemicals you can find in normal house dust.
"We can reduce part of our exposures to problem chemicals by keeping our homes clean, but ultimately we need to get these chemicals out of our lives by them being banned from products in the first place".
Health scares have led to some retardants like PBDEs being phased out in recent years but older products could still be coated in the chemicals. Many people keep sofas and beds for decades, while most offices did not replace chairs.
A new, triazine-based brominated flame retardant which has replaced polybrominated flame retardants is similar in structure to the PDBE’s and scientists have called for research into whether it is having the same health impact.
Two of the more commonly used flame retardants – tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) and tetrachlorobisphenol A (TCBPA) are used on circuit boards and externally on plastic casings for electronics.  The University of Houston recently showed that they disrupted hormones and promoted obesity.
The team also believe that chemicals used in dry cleaning could also be left on clothes and transferred back into the environment.
The research was published in the American Chemical Society journal Environmental Science & Technology.

Chikungunya Symptoms, Diagnosis, & Treatment

Symptoms • Most people infected with chikungunya virus will develop some symptoms. • Symptoms usually begin 3–7 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito. • The most common symptoms are fever and joint pain. • Other symptoms may include headache, muscle pain, joint swelling, or rash. • Chikungunya disease does not often result in death, but the symptoms can be severe and disabling. • Most patients feel better within a week. In some people, the joint pain may persist for months. • People at risk for more severe disease include newborns infected around the time of birth, older adults (≥65 years), and people with medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease. • Once a person has been infected, he or she is likely to be protected from future infections. Diagnosis • The symptoms of chikungunya are similar to those of dengue and Zika, diseases spread by the same mosquitoes that transmit chikungunya. • See your healthcare provider if you develop the symptoms described above and have visited an area where chikungunya is found. • If you have recently traveled, tell your healthcare provider when and where you traveled. • Your healthcare provider may order blood tests to look for chikungunya or other similar viruses like dengue and Zika. Treatment • There is no vaccine to prevent or medicine to treat chikungunya virus. • Treat the symptoms: o Get plenty of rest. o Drink fluids to prevent dehydration. o Take medicine such as acetaminophen (Tylenol®) or paracetamol to reduce fever and pain. o Do not take aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS until dengue can be ruled out to reduce the risk of bleeding). o If you are taking medicine for another medical condition, talk to your healthcare provider before taking additional medication. • If you have chikungunya, prevent mosquito bites for the first week of your illness. o During the first week of infection, chikungunya virus can be found in the blood and passed from an infected person to a mosquito through mosquito bites. o An infected mosquito can then spread the virus to other people

Posted by - Dr. Veena Aggarwal @ eMediNexus

Thursday, August 11, 2016

How to Find Products That Are Actually "Natural"

Just like the throngs of food companies now jumping on the “natural” bandwagon, grooming product brands want to woo you with this vapid, unregulated marketing term. Don’t be fooled: A splash of coconut water won’t magically make a toxin-laden drugstore shampoo any safer. In fact, according to market research firm Kline & Company, some 75 percent of products claiming to be natural are actually mostly synthetic.
Now, not all lab-created chemicals used in grooming products are harmful, insists Nneka Leiba, deputy director of research at the Environmental Working Group. Some are even safer than certain plant-derived natural compounds, she says. However, many synthetic chemicals found in the products you use every day do carry real-deal health risks. Some hijack hormones; some hinder sperm production; some may even cause cancer.
To find grooming products that truly are natural — and safe — you must meticulously read through ingredients lists. Unless you’re a chemistry expert, this can be confusing, so here’s a cheat sheet of the synthetic ingredients you absolutely should avoid.
Fragrance is a catchall term that can include up to 3,000 ingredients, including phthalates, which are especially concerning for men,” Leiba says. These endocrine-disrupting chemicals have been linked to low sperm count and poor sperm motility. And since fragrances are considered trade secrets, companies are not required to divulge the chemical cocktails within them. “As a consumer, you have no way of knowing what you’re getting,” Leiba says.
Sometimes you’ll see an asterisk following “fragrance” on an ingredients list with a note saying “derived from natural sources” or something similar. The problem again, says Leiba, is that “natural” is unregulated, so each company gets to make up its own definition for “natural source.” Your best bet is to avoid fragrance altogether whenever possible.
Many grooming companies have begun shunning parabens in response to consumer backlash. Yet these synthetic preservatives are still pervasive in shampoos, conditioners, body washes, shaving gels, and sunscreens. According to Leiba, the longer-chain parabens — namely especially propyl-, butyl-, isopopyl-, and isobutylparaben — are the real problem. They’ve been linked to hormone disruption and breast cancer risk, while shorter-chain parabens such as methyl- and ethylparaben are much safer.
“I don’t think it’s necessary to avoid all parabens,” Leiba says. “Products without preservatives can be just as dangerous because they may harbor harmful bacteria that can get into your skin and eyes.” When scanning ingredients lists, keep your eyes peeled for the big four long-chain parabens and skip any products that contain them.
Formaldehyde Releasers
You’ll never see formaldehyde listed on labels, but this respiratory toxin, skin irritant, and carcinogen lingers within many men’s grooming products, says Leiba. It’s slowly released by certain preservatives, namely DMDM hydantoin, diazolidinyl urea, and imidzaolidinyl urea. If you spot any of those ingredients, steer clear.
PEGs and -eth Compounds
Avoid products containing PEGs and ingredients that have -eth in their name, such as ceteareth or sodium laureth sulfate. These commonly used chemicals have been ethoxylated, a process intended to make them less harsh. But during ethoxylation, they often become contaminated with a substance called 1,4-dioxane, a known carcinogen. “Sometimes large companies are able to scrub these ingredients of 1,4-dioxane,” Leiba says. “But you never know whether that’s happened.”
Triclosan and Triclocarban
Many companies are moving away from these synthetic antibacterial agents now that the FDA has deemed them no better at battling harmful bacteria than washing with plain soap and water. Plus, Leiba says both triclosan and its cousin triclocarban mess with thyroid function, contribute to antibiotic resistance, and pollute aquatic ecosystems after they’re flushed down drains. Still, you’ll find triclosan in liquid hand soaps, toothpastes, and antiperspirants, as well as in communal hand-sanitizer pumps in hospitals and clinics. You’ll see triclocarban in antibacterial bar soaps and other solid products.
Vitamin A Compounds
Retinyl palmitate, retinyl acetate, and retinol are popping up in more and more men’s products, Leiba says. These vitamin A derivatives are safe in night creams, but when exposed to the sun, they get broken down into hazardous free radicals that can cause skin lesions and possibly spur tumor growth. “Avoid face lotion, sunscreen, lip balm, and any day-use products that contain vitamin A compounds,” Leiba says.
Lead Acetate
This neurotoxin is found in dark-colored hair dyes. “This one’s a huge problem or men because it’s been shown to reduce sperm quantity and quality even at low doses,” Leiba says. If you’re looking for an at-home product to conceal your grays, check any potential purchase for lead acetate.  

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Photo Credit: Melanie Acevedo / Getty Images

6 Things You Should Know About Bug Repellent

A new report from Made Safe, Bug Repellent: What's In It?examines common active ingredients in conventional insect repellent and their impacts to human health and the environment, as well as more natural options.

There have been studies regarding the efficacy of some repellent chemicals individually. But researchers have yet to fully understand exactly how each chemical repels insects and how they may affect our bodies and the environment, let alone what the impact may be of the myriad ingredients in combination. Made Safe sees this as a call for total mixture testing, taking into account real-world exposures and usage to more fully understand potential toxicity.

Here are highlights from the report:

1. Insect repellents are made up of two types of ingredients.
  • Active ingredient are the active repelling chemicals and must appear on the label.
  • Inert ingredients, which are everything else in the products and can be all kinds of things from solvents and preservatives to anti-caking or foaming agents and fragrance and are not listed on the label.
2. Some common active ingredients are chemicals of concern:
  • DEET: linked to skin irritation, neurotoxicity and shown to cross the placenta. Shows up in groundwater, surface water and drinking water.
  • Cyfluthrin: linked to neurotoxicity and harmful to aquatic invertebrates, fish and honeybees.
  • Permethrin: linked to neurotoxicity and harmful to aquatic invertebrates, fish and honeybees.
  • Pyrethroids: a class of chemicals linked to neurotoxicity; some have been linked to endocrine disruption; some have been classified as possible carcinogens.
3. Some inert ingredients can be harmful, too:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has approved approximately 3,000 chemicals as inert ingredients, including some that are harmful chemicals like naphthalene (linked to cancer), xylene (linked to depression of the nervous system) and triethanolamine (linked to respiratory problems and liver and bladder cancer in animal studies).

4. Some plants have pharmacological and biological properties that make plant extracts effective insect repellent, including:
  • citronella
  • clove oil
  • geraniol
  • lemongrass
  • lemon eucalyptus
  • linalool
  • neem
  • thyme
5. MADE SAFE has certified the first-ever bug repellent made entirely with safe ingredients:
Kosmatology Bug Repellent Balm: made with a mixture of herbs, essential oils and coconut oil.

6. Choose the repellent that's right for your needs:
Knowing your area and if you are at risk for a mosquito-borne or tick-borne illness can help you make the right bug repellent choice for you and your family. Go to Consumer Reports' Guide to Mosquito and Tick Diseases for information for your area.
With the rise of Zika virus and concern for other mosquito-borne diseases, Made Safe recognizes there is a time and place for the use of bug repellant products that would not pass our screening process. We urge people to become informed and stay on top of advice from the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization.
MADE SAFE (Made With Safe Ingredients) is America's first certification to screen out known toxic chemicals in consumer products across store aisles, from baby bottles and bedding to personal care, cleaners and more.

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