Thursday, August 11, 2016

How to live Healthy and Happy

We are blessed with a healthy life, but sometimes unknown people, unknown circumstances, unknown situations or unknown reasons may become the problems for us. But with some powerful thinking will help to overcome the situation and change our life.

How to live healthy and happy

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

World Health Organisation wants Dengue Vaccine in India

As dengue cases show a steep increase, particularly in Delhi, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has recommended introducing dengue vaccine in high burden countries like India. Two months ago, the apex committee on health, headed by the health secretary, had denied approval to a multinational firm for its dengue vaccine when it sought a clinical trial waiver in India. In May, the committee had concluded that the data presented by the company was inadequate to show the efficacy and immunogenicity of the vaccine in Indians. Immunogenicity is the ability of a substance to provoke an immune response in the body. The government and the regulator are of the view that there is a need to test the vaccine on Indian patients. Sources in the central drug regulator's office said data presented by the firm showed an efficacy rate of around 43%, against the requirement of 70%. The vaccine is approved in four countries, including Mexico, Indonesia and Brazil. "However, the company wants a clinical trial waiver in India and sought approval based on data from its global studies involving 30,000 patients," a senior official in the office of Drugs Controller General of India said.

Dr Vikram Sanghi posted an update on eMediNexus

डेंगू के इलाज के लिए सूचना।

आज मुझे अपने whats app में यह मैसेज मिला, जिसमे डेंगू के इलाज के बारे में लिखा है, अगर आपके आस पास डेंगू का मरीज है तो यह सूचना जरूर पहुँचाए, क्या पता इलाज काम का हो। 

आप सभी को सूचित किया जाता है कि किसी को भी डेंगू बुखार हो या आस पास कोई भी डेंगू बुखार से पीड़ित हो, वह नीचे दिये पते पर सम्पर्क करें उनका ईलाज मुफ्त में किया जा रहा है। इस ईलाज से एक घंटे मे आराम आना शुरू हो जाता है और आप चार दिन बाद अपने टेस्ट करवा कर रिपोर्ट कहीं भी चैक करवा सकते हैं जो की नॉर्मल आयेगी !
सम्पर्क करें
प्रदीप अग्रवाल
181 कोहाट ऐन्क्लव
पीतम पुरा, दिल्ली
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इस नेक काम में सभी सहयोग दे

*मैंने इस मैसेज को वेरीफाई नहीं किया, यह एक फ़ॉर्वर्डेड मैसेज है।  

Friday, August 5, 2016

आपके भी टूथपेस्ट में और हैंडवाश में हानिकारक केमिकल हो सकता है।

आपके भी टूथपेस्ट में और हैंडवाश में हानिकारक केमिकल हो सकता है।  
स्वास्थ ही धन की श्रंखला में आज मैं एक ऐसे केमिकल की बात करने जा रहा हूं, जो हमारे जीवन से सुबह होते ही जुड़ जाता है।  उसका नाम है ट्राइक्लोसैन (Triclosan)


हम और आप टूथपेस्ट और हैंडवॉश का इस्तेमाल आमतौर पर रोजाना करते है। जिसमे से कुछ कंपनियां के प्रोडक्ट में इस केमिकल का इस्तेमाल होता है।

वैसे तो एक तरफ, यह केमिकल वैसे तो काम डोज में बैक्टीरियोस्टेटिक (bacteristatic) याने बैक्टीरिया (जीवाणु को) बढ़ने से रोकता है, और ज्यादा डोज में बैटरीसैडल (bactericidal) याने बैक्टीरिया (जीवाणु को) को मारता है।  और इसी वजह से इसका इस्तेमाल टूथपेस्ट और हैंडवॉश जैसे प्रोडक्ट में किया जाता है। 

लेकिन दूसरी तरफ इसके कई घातक प्रभाव भी हमारे शरीर पे पड़ते है।

जिसमे की,
 - Skin irritation (त्वचा पे प्रभाव)
 - Hormone Disruption (हार्मोन को हानि पहुचाना)
 - Interfere with muscle function (
मांसपेशी के कार्य में हस्तक्षेप)
 - Contribution to antibacterial resistance (
जीवाणुरोधी प्रतिरोध के क्षमता को रोकना)
 - Nervous system को हानि पहुचाना
 - Allergies and Asthama (एलर्जी और अस्थमा)
 - Altered Thyroid hormone metabolism (
थायराइड हार्मोन में बदलाव)
- Tumor development (
ट्यूमर का विकास करना)

अभी कुछ ही वक़्त पहले ही हमारी संस्था ( ने एक अध्ययन ( किया जिसमे कुछ टूथपेस्ट (११ नमूने) (जिसमे कुछ (४) बच्चो के भी है) और कुछ हैंडवॉश (११ नमूने) के नमूनों को एक बड़ी प्रयोगशाला में टेस्ट किया जिसमे की २६ में से १७ नमूनों में इस ट्राइक्लोसैन (Triclosan) की कम अधिक मात्रा पायी गयी ।

हैंडवॉश के ११ में से १ और टूथपेस्ट के ११ में से ४ नमूनों में ट्राइक्लोसैन (Triclosan) की अधिक पायी है, जो की भारतीय मानक संसथान (Bureau of Indian Standard ) की तय मात्रा ३००० मिग्रा /किग्रा (पीपीएम) से भी अधिक है।

इस विषय में और अधिक अध्ययन करने की आवश्यकता है। 

फ़िलहाल तो जब भी आप बाजार से यह प्रोडक्ट खरीदते है, उसके कम्पोजीशन में ट्राइक्लोसैन (Triclosan) तो नहीं है ना ? ये जरूर देखे

आपका दोस्त
डॉ. प्रशांत राजनकर 

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Dentists Might Soon Work as Physicians

Dentists might soon be able to work as physicians.Representatives of dental associations are seeking approval of a three-year bridge course post completion of BDS from the MCI. This would enable dentists as a physician who has an MBBS degree. 

Dr Mahesh Verma, former president of the Dental Council of India, stated that like any MBBS student BDS students study anatomy and physiology for three years and can make good physicians. He also said with over 2.5 lakh dentists in the country (1:200 population ratio), the deficit of overall physicians will be reduced if the bridge course is approved.

source - EmediNexus

Dengue: Low platelet count never dangerous

Dengue: Low platelet count never dangerous

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Air pollution can affect child's brain development: Experts

Air pollution can affect a child's brain development, create abnormalities, and lower the IQ, health experts have claimed. The health experts, whose claim is based on several studies, said that the difference between the working memory capacity of children living in urban areas is 4-5 per cent lower than children living in rural areas due to the effects of pollution. "The findings are disturbing as optimal brain development is crucial in setting the foundation of children's future. Children are most vulnerable to negative effects of air pollution due to their higher breathing rate to body size ratio, and less developed natural barriers in the lungs," explained S.P. Byotra, Head of Department of Internal Medicine at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. Byotra claimed that even indoor environment cannot be termed as safe since exposure to many common everyday pollutants in our homes, including tobacco smoke, lead in paint and toys, emissions from cooking stoves, mycotoxins among others, can affect a child's brain development. A study published in PLOS Medicine, a peer-reviewed weekly medical journal, said that air pollution not only causes respiratory problems but can also affect the brain development of children of all ages including in the womb. According to medical experts, millions of children exposed to toxic levels of indoor and outdoor pollution were showing brain detrimental effects exhibiting brain abnormalities. Tobacco dust, indoor air pollution, and airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were contributing the most. "Indoor air pollution is one such health hazard which silently enters our body and incapacitates us from the inside. Its quality is equally or more dangerous than outdoor air pollution. Since we spend more time indoors, naturally the risk associated with indoor air is more," said Raj Kumar, Head of Respiratory Allergy and Applied Immunology at Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute. Considering the deterioration in health due to air pollution, a country wide anti-pollution awareness programme, named Clean Air India Movement (CLAIM), has been started by air purifier manufacturer Blueair. Under the initiative, Blueair has decided to plant a million trees across the country in the coming years. A study published in the Pediatrics journal shows a clear association between mothers' exposure to high levels of environmental pollutants during pregnancy to a four-point drop in children's IQ scores by age five. Source -

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